How to Make Money Blogging for Beginners

You have finally decided to take on the adventurous path of blogging. As you make your way to your first blogs, you may learn about monetizing your blog. Many new bloggers who came across money blogging often ask how to do it and how long it takes before you make money out of your well-crafted thoughts and words.

However, according to blogging experts, money blogging will all depend on you as a blogger. It will all boil down on how hard work you are willing to do for your blog and how ready you are to fail when trying different tactics. There is no perfect formula to monetize your blog, but you can find the right way to make money blogging.

There are numerous ways to earn money in blogging, but as a beginner, you need to do the necessary and simple steps first to rake in cash with your blog. 

Ways To Monetize Your Blog

1. Find Your Niche

Before being able to do the top ways to make money blogging like advertising, affiliate marketing, eBooks, or conducting online courses, you have to start at the basics. Start by finding a unique niche you want to write about. But it does mean that you need to look for a niche that you are only passionate about as a topic.

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If you have decided that you want to make a blog and generate income from it, you need to understand that all of the decisions you will make should be treated as a business decision.

While it would be best if you write about topics that interest you and find it enjoyable, you need to make sure that other people are interested in it. Find a niche that combines your passion with things that other people can relate to and spark their interest.

2. Set Up Your Blogging Site

After finding your niche, the next step you need is, set up your blog. As a beginner, you can leverage mundane-friendly web developers like WordPress to act as the backbone for your blog.

WordPress can make it possible for you to set up your blogging site even if you are not a very tech-savvy person and do not understand any coding works. Incorporate also web design that will enhance the user experience of your visitors and readers.

It would be best if you also decided on a great name for your blog. You can go creative on this one as this will help you build your name and tell people what your niche is.

After, pick the right domain name that will appear on the top bar of your website. Remember that your blog name and your domain should be easy to recall, not be too long and not hard to spell.

3. Build Your Blog With Valuable Content

Build Your Blog With Valuable Content

After you have done the two initial steps, it is now time to unleash your writing prowess. Based on your niche, create compelling content for your target audience. Quality content is one of the most important factors to make your blogs matter.  Make your content plan, which will help strategize with your content.

Since you plan to monetize your blogs, write on topics that will make people want to read. To do this, you have to know what your audience is searching for and what will make them interest. When starting, understand that you might write articles that will later end up in the trash bin.

Keep practicing your writing skills and your thought organizations. Once you find a writing style that you’re comfortable with, stick with it and check it, your audience will resonate with it. Always provide valuable information with your content and avoid making writing mistakes like incorporating hard to understand words, unclear topic, or very long sentences.

4. Leverage On Social Media To Drive Traffic

As you are just starting, you cannot expect an influx of people to find and read your article overnight. You need to make efforts to bring traffic to you what you have written.

A great avenue to promote your write-ups and have people know about it is social media. Share what you have written on your social media platforms. This tactic will give you the chance to expose your blog to other people who will find it interesting.

5. Make Your Way To Monetizing Your Brand

Making money is an essential part of your blog.

The first few steps mentioned earlier are an essential part of making money from your blog. If you failed to this as you begin your blogging journey. No matter what monetizing way you do. It will not give you an optimum result.

Raking in cash from your writing abilities will be hard if you do not have any traffic, this is why you should have an audience when you start monetizing tactic like affiliate marketing.

A commission-based form of playing advertisement on your blog site, affiliate marketing is prevalent for bloggers who are just beginning their journey to make money.

However, when you do affiliate marketing, you need to make sure that you trust the product yourself, and you use it personally. Otherwise, it will not impact your audience as affiliate marketing works by recommending a product or service to your readers.

Your article should evoke realness, so your target audience will trust whatever you have to say.


Money blogs are not an overnight success. It would require your time, efforts, and the necessary foundations mentioned in this article.

The magnitude of your success will depend on how much you are willing to do hard work and how consistent you will be with coming up with your write-ups and articles.

Building on a solid foundation on your blogs is your starting point to have meaningful income.

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