TikTok Monetization Exactly In Just Four Steps

TikTok has taken over the world from its very beginning. It is a video application that has made more strides and fame by creating uniqueness in people’s minds.

TikTok enables all users to become media creators as it is simple to use. The rise of TikTok users has grown over the years, and it is the one best reason why it attracts new audiences every day!

Every single individual on TikTok enters here for various purposes; it may be for advertising, marketing, and majorly for entertainment.

I know what exactly you will ask next, “Can I make money on TikTok?” and it is a big yes! And it also has worked for more people, bringing them a good income via the creator fund program.

Let’s get right into the article and see all the ways that help in TikTok monetization.

TikTok Monetization Exactly 4 Steps

Selling Your Own Ventures

Step 1: Selling Your Own Ventures

So many people long to become famous on TikTok but don’t have any idea on how to do it. Making money is also an important aspect when it comes to TikTok, and you could choose this option as a sole. The responsibility given to you here’s to grow multiple accounts in different niches and sell them to different individuals and make money.

You may say that saying is so simple, but it works 200% with proper niche ideas. Selling TikTok accounts is quite simple, and many people, businesses don’t have the patience to grow their own following. They find it so easier to purchase the accounts they wish to have, and by doing so, they need not struggle to grow the follower’s rate.

There are literally more sites available to sell your TikTok accounts. You can use one of them. Most people overestimate how much they can sell their account for, but you can make a decent chunk out of it. And the following are the price estimates according to your followers count.

  • 1-10k followers count about $100
  • 10-50k followers count gain about $100-$500
  • 50-100k followers count gain about $500-$1000
  • 100-500k followers count gain about $1k-$5k
  • 500k-1M+ followers count gain about $1k-30k

Step 2: Affiliate Marketing Works In TikTok

Affiliate marketing is a lucrative method to make money on TikTok because they are common as found in other applications. Affiliate marketing is simply to upload videos on TikTok but with an end goal that you get monetized just through the affiliate links for the audience.

Building a huge set of audience can be an effective strategy to make a successful affiliate marketing. And this platform can be used for affiliate marketing only when the video obtains more likes on TikTok proving more engagement. So, try making all the measures that create a strong audience for your business.

Finally, if you promote products to help people, and if people tend to buy them out, you would get a good commission from the program. So always recommend the products that add value to the followers.

Step 3: TikTok Creator Fund Helps

TikTok is always trying to make new updates to help people in many ways, and once such is the creator fund.

TikTok is always trying to make new updates to help people in many ways, and once such is the creator fund. And do you know that TikTok has increased its fund from 280M to 1B? But first of all, you must fit the guidelines when you apply for TikTok’s creator fund, and the following are the criteria to be fulfilled.

  1. The person must be located in the US, UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain.
  2. The person must have 10,000 followers on the TikTok platform.
  3. An individual must have 10,000 views (at least) in the past 30 days.
  4. The specific individual must be 18 years or older than that.
  5. An account that abides by the rules and regulations of TikTok, i.e., no promotion of explicit content is allowed in TikTok.

Creators get paid about $0.04 for 1000 views, and it’s an average pay. The only problem with this is it works similar to Instagram as the content has an expiration date. However, this feature cannot make you rich, but the creators make a good amount of money from it.

Step 4: Go Live And Earn Coins

Go live on TikTok and earn Coins.

Another way to TikTok monetization is by going live. Please note that you cannot get activated by this feature unless you have 1000 followers. It is a simple procedure where you go live and get free money on TikTok, similar to donations. Here, the viewers can decide to buy coins converted into gifts when they go live.

If you are the person who loves to make social connections among this vast community, use this live streaming and connect with new people. By doing so, you will make a lot of money in TikTok by receiving gifts from the viewers and turning them into coins. Another addition regarding this is your videos will be shared with other people that aren’t followers.

Live viewers can always post questions via comments, and the option is available only to the creator profiles. But once you get access to this Q and A feature, you can meet new people who will love your content genre.


The above four steps in TikTok monetization serve the very purpose of making money, as soon as you feel that you can master your account. It is precisely the best solution to manage the expertise along with popularity.

Author Bio

Anne Joseph is a passionate social media writer working at Bouxtie. She has strong strategy skills in developing and managing social media campaigns. She loves to make new connections and enjoys the opportunity to work with social media influencers. Start following her on Twitter.com.

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