No software is 100% secure. There are always some ways in which a website can be breached. Same goes for WordPress. WordPress is the highest and most populated CMS used by the web developers out there. But with strong attention comes most insane breaches in the website.
But the good part is, if you’re willing to build your website on WordPress you can consider these measures and see if your website is following the general rules which can protect you from basic WordPress security breaches and help you to secure your website from new hackers.
Table of Contents
1. Use a Strong Admin ID and Password
When you’re setting a password for the admin, ensure that you use all the security measures to use a password which is powerful and use alphabets, special characters, and numbers which can make the passwords strong.
The reason behind is that if someone is using the Bruce-force method to breach the password it will take years to decrypt the right combination.
For an added layer of WordPress security, you can add two-step verification to make the security breach difficult.
2. Use a Secured Login Screen
Even if you have a security system secure as Fort Knox. You still need to limit the number of login attempts that the user uses to log in.
Captchas is another way to secure your WordPress website with spam traffic. This will eliminate any undesired traffic on the website and protect the website from unknown attacks.
You can send login notifications directly sent to your mobile which can enable the users to get updated when the login attempt is done.
3. File & Folder Protection
In WordPress, there is a lot of room to play with the plugins of a website. My friend owns a New York web design agency. When he wanted to update one feature on the website and by mistake, moved one file into another folder. The website went down, and it took the developer 3 hours to figure out the problem. If you know where the files and folders are, great. But ensure that you give limited permission to everyone else.
4. Backup Regularly
If you want to make sure that your system doesn’t get hit or even if the system is hit you need to have a backup in place.
There are tons of plugins out there such as Backup Buddy, and UpdraftPlus which can help you to take regular backup of your WordPress website without bothering you. Use these plugins and set automatic backup to prevent yourself from losing content on your website.
Another thing with the backup is that you secure the information of your user which is a crucial part of web security.
5. Keep Updating
One of the good things I love about WordPress is that it keeps the system updated. Whenever there is a new update in the WordPress software everything in the online version gets updated.
The system automatically asks for the update and update the online version with the latest available update.
Developing a WordPress website is easy but to keep the website safe is hard. You need to ensure that the website that you’ve developed is secured and safe from all the external attacks which can happen to your website.
The above-mentioned tips are some ways in which you can protect your WordPress website for a good amount of time.
If you’re updating the system regularly, backing up your system, and not making any grand changes in the website it will be difficult for the hackers to get to your website. But it only takes an ounce of ignoring to let everything go away in front of your eyes.
Nasir Abbas is a Digital Marketing Consultant who is currently working with Branex LLC which is a Web Design Agency in New York. He is well-versed in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC) & Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO).